Friday, July 6, 2012

The Story of Wales

I've watched the whole 6 episodes of the BBC's "The Story of Wales" which was on SBS in Australia. If you want the full story click here or read the Wiki version. So I think I've got a handle on the place.

Basically, it goes like this:
30000 years ago there were people in Wales and the Ice Age hit.
Celts lived there after that and made stone circles and those sort of things. They spoke Welsh.
Romans invaded in 43 AD and they were pretty cool with that.
They weren't cool with the Anglo-Saxons and still aren't.
After the Normans conquered the English pretty much took over.
King Edward 1 completed the takeover and called his son the Prince of Wales.
There was the odd uprising here and there lead by men with Welsh names.
Wales became part of Great Britain in 1707 around the time they designed the Union Jack, which is still popular on jackets, T shits and the roofs of Minis.
The Industrial Revolution hit in the 1800's and people moved from farms to those villages with terrace houses you see on TV. They went to church and began singing.
Coal mining and steel works were popular, so were trade unions.
The English tried to stop people speaking Welsh, but they couldn't. They still sing. And play rugby.
Coal and steel were good for a while but in the 1980's Maggie Thatcher closed those industries down. There were strikes, and things were pretty grim, but some good music came out of the 80's.
Now its all cool again. Wales voted to devolve from the UK and they have their own parliament and a TV station all in Welsh. Road signs are bilingual. Cardiff is supposed to be a happening city...

That's where I'm headed. In 2 days....shit...I better pack.

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