Saturday, November 3, 2012


I can't remember that last time it's been over 10C. The locals say its gotten really cold this for time of the year, its only spring. I had to buy gloves today.
Just got home from the Castle where they had Guy Fawkes night fireworks. I'd forgotten about bonfire night, we used to have it when I was a kid and Dad would let off fireworks and crackers in the back yard. You can still buy fireworks supermarkets. Any time. And still buy bangers that used to blow kids' fingers off. But sparklers, the type you put on birthday cakes, are considered dangerous. Go figure.

For a country that's obsessed with health and safety (there's even a law called DSE that determines how you work in front of a computer) they were pretty slack with firework safety tonight. There were about 10000 people in a park tonight and when they let the fireworks off at 7pm (already pitch dark) the wind was blowing over the crowd and so were the sparks, landing on everybody. No fire risk though, it was raining as usual.      
                                                                                             Otherwise, its been business as usual. Having the NHS for a customer is an exercise in dealing with red tape. Things get done, but very slowly. I should have been finishing up a job about now and starting the next, but that's probably going to be not happening until the end of January. Probably not home for Xmas.            
Just got home and the X Factor is on TV. God, its awful. So many talent shows on TV here, and they have really run out of talent to put on them.

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